There are many projects underway to support, strengthen, and enrich our community. Everyone is welcome to get involved - and to take the lead on something new.
Grand Avenue Main Street Development
Grand Avenue is the backbone of our neighborhood, with close to one hundred businesses and organizations and the largest concentration of Latine-owned businesses in New Haven. The Grand Avenue Special Services District (GASSD) offers support services to sustain and grow businesses and public life on Grand Avenue. GASSD is collaborating with the city’s Economic Development Administration and community leaders to build on its assets while addressing its challenges via a unifying project defined by “Main Street” principles. This includes property-by-property incremental development, facade improvements, upgraded pedestrian walkways, lighting, plantings, benches, garbage receptacles, placemaking signage, and public art. Contact: Erick Gonzalez, GASSD Manager,
Strong School Redevelopment
The former Strong School at 69 Grand Avenue has been vacant since 2010. Since that time, many in our community have worked to put this beautiful yet neglected asset back into service. Following an extensive input process documented in this report, the City of New Haven entered into a Development and Land Disposition Agreement with the award-winning affordable housing developer Pennrose. Plans include community arts and culture space, live-work spaces for local artists, and 100% affordable studio, 1-bedroom, and 2-bedroom apartments. Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring 2025, following completion of financing. Contact: Alder Sarah Miller,
Harm Reduction
The Fair Haven Harm Reduction Group is a grassroots network of neighborhood leaders and agencies collaborating to reduce the negative consequences associated with addiction, housing instability, and sex work. You are invited to take this survey in order to help assess the Fair Haven community's perceptions of safety and harm reduction, and inform future harm reduction services in our neighborhood. Contact: Dr. Ben Oldfield, Fair Haven Community Health Care,
Ferry Street Rehabilitation
Our community is collaborating to improve the design of Ferry Street, a critical thoroughfare for Fair Haven. There is currently $2.8 million from the state Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program earmarked for the project, which includes a complete rehabilitation, from Middletown Avenue to Brewery Square, with improved safety infrastructure, traffic calming measures, and sidewalk and curb repairs. Your concerns and suggestions are welcome via this interactive public input tool. Contact: Giovanni Zinn, City Engineer,
Quinnipiac River Park Stewardship
The Friends of Quinnipiac River Park’s stewardship work continues during the summer months every Thursday 5-7PM and at other times of the year as needed. All are welcome. Please share how you use our park and would you like to use it in this survey. Responses inform planning for the park's future by the Friends of Quinnipiac River Park, the New Haven Engineering Department, the New Haven Department of Parks and Public Works, the Urban Resources Initiative (URI), and our community. Contact: Tom Burwell, Friends of Quinnipiac River Park,