Your Vote

Voting is essential. Here are some Ward 14 voting FAQs and steps you can take to help every eligible resident vote in every election.




WHO do we vote for? 

  • Ward Officials: Alder, Democratic Town Committee Ward Co-Chairs (if more than two candidates)

  • City Officials: Mayor, City Clerk, Registrar of Voters, Probate Judge, Board of Education Members 

  • State Officials: State Representative, State Senator, Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer, Secretary of the State, Comptroller

  • Federal Officials: U.S. Representative, U.S. Senators, President, Vice President

WHO can vote in Ward 14?

WHO runs elections in New Haven?

WHAT do we vote on?

  • Ward, City, State, and Federal Officials

  • City and state ballot questions 

WHEN do we vote?

  • Every year on the first Tuesday in November for General Elections

  • Most years in August, September or October for Primary Elections, to select party candidates for the general election

  • Occasionally at other times of the year for Special Elections, in the event of an unexpected vacancy or more than two Ward Co-Chair candidates

  • In odd-numbered years, we vote for Municipal Officials 

  • In even-numbered years, we vote for State Officials and sometimes Federal Officials

WHERE do we vote?

  • In odd-numbered years, at the Atwater Senior Center, 26 Atwater Street

  • In even-numbered years, your voting location depends on your state district:

    • State District 95 (Rep. Candelaria) votes at the Atwater Senior Center, 26 Atwater Street

    • State District 97 (Rep. Paolillo) votes at the Woodward Fire Station, 824 Woodward Avenue

    • Find your State District here

WHERE am I registered?

HOW do we vote?

  • In person, on election day, between 6AM and 8PM

  • Via absentee ballot before election day. Here are the steps:

    • Complete an application and mail or deliver it to the City Clerk, 200 Orange Street, Room 202, New Haven, CT 06510

    • A ballot is sent to you via US Mail

    • Return your completed and sealed ballot to City Clerk in plenty of time to be received by Election Day

    • Contact our City Clerk for assistance, 203-946-8339

WHY vote?

  • It's Your Right. Many fought long and hard for the right to vote. 

  • To Advance Our Goals. When you vote, you cast your ballot for ideas and commitments to budgets, programs, and policies. We need to vote for candidates who are accessible and responsive, and who we believe will advance our values and collective best interest. 

  • To Use Our Power. When we don’t vote, we give up our power. When voter turnout is low in an area, it sends the message that people aren’t engaged and won’t hold policymakers accountable for delivering the resources they need and deserve. Over time, low voter turnout provides cover to disinvest.

  • If You Do Not Vote, Someone Else Will. If you sit out an election, you let other people choose your elected officials. Democracy only works if we all work it. This means showing up to cast your vote in every election.